10 Ways Men Can Improve Their Appearance & Boost Confidence | Elizabeth Vargas & Experts

Join Elizabeth Vargas, former Real Housewives of Orange County star, as she sits down with Kelsey Connelly, Brooke Thompson, and Lindsay Cardoza to explore the many beauty options available to women through plastic surgery and self-care. The ladies discuss how it’s more common for women to improve their physical appearance, while men often lack the same opportunities and advertisements for beauty enhancement. However, they all agree that men tend to age gracefully and look better with time. Tune in for a discussion on how men can improve their appearance and boost their confidence!

Tune in now on any podcast platform! https://linktr.ee/girltalklogic

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#RHOC #ElizabethLynVargas #BeautyOptions #PlasticSurgery #MensConfidence #AgingGracefully #ElizabethVargas #RealHousewivesOC #SelfCareForMen #BeautyTalk #ConfidenceBoost #MensAppearance #SkincareForMen


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