Daily Logic Check Ep 03
w/ Allen Schreiber founder – TSG Wealth Management
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Listen as we discuss divorcing well no matter what the circumstances…a tough subject to hear
Airing on Youtube | Spotify | Apple Podcasts | 03/05/2024 | 11:00 PST
Charity of Choice:
1. How to maintain your lifestyle during and after divorce..whatever that may be
2. How to set up your children’s tax-deductible beneficiary accounts during a divorce to secure their future, instead of it going straight to the lawyers
3. How to set your kids up for college during a separation or divorce
4. The current state of the economy
5. California’s outrageous tax rates
6. Inflation and how it affects your future
7. Generational wealth versus spending your money now
8. Investing during an election year
9. How to save yourself from painful lawyer fees by utilizing a money management firm to organize $ analyze your divorce forensics..instead of racking up billable hours from your law firm
…And many other topics you NEED TO KNOW!
Listen to strategies from a TOP MONEY STRATEGIST Allen Schreiber who stuck with me through thick & thin during my divorce & helped me rise back up to the top. One piece of advice & investment at a time.
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