Elizabeth Vargas Opens Up: Plastic Surgery Complications & Health Anxiety Scare

Elizabeth Vargas, formerly of the Real Housewives of Orange County, sits down with Dr. Jay Calvert and the ladies of Girl Talk to share her emotional journey through the distress caused by plastic surgery complications. In a heartfelt conversation, Elizabeth reveals how her experience led to a terrifying health scare, making her fear she had breast cancer. Together, they explore the impact of health anxiety and the emotional toll of cosmetic surgery gone wrong.

Tune in now on any podcast platform! https://linktr.ee/girltalklogic

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#RHOC #ElizabethLynVargas #ElizabethVargas #PlasticSurgeryComplications #HealthAnxiety #BreastCancerScare #RHOC #EmotionalJourney #CosmeticSurgery #HealingStories #DrJayCalvert


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