Elizabeth Vargas & Sinister Monopoly Reimagine Mr. Moneybags | Monopoly Character Artwork

Elizabeth Vargas sits down with Sinister Monopoly to discuss his unique interpretation of the iconic Monopoly character, Mr. Moneybags. Sinister explains how he envisions the character as someone heading straight to jail, just like in the game, and how he brings this idea to life through his art. Don’t miss this creative take on a classic character and the story behind the artwork!

Tune in now on any podcast platform! https://linktr.ee/girltalklogic

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#ElizabethLynnVargas #RHOC #GirlTalk #ElizabethVargas #SinisterMonopoly #MrMoneybags #MonopolyArt #ReimaginingCharacters #ArtistInterview #PopCultureArt #GameCharacters #CreativeArt


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