From Blonde Disaster to Platinum Perfection: My Hair Transformation Story | Funny Vegas Hair Fail

Join Elizabeth Vargas, former Real Housewives of Orange County star, as she sits down with Sophia Joles, Tiffany Sowersby, Erica Groussman, and Kristina Wright for a hilarious and relatable conversation about a hair disaster that happened in Vegas. Kristina shares the funny (and slightly painful) story of when Erica tried to help her re-dye her roots in a hotel room, but they accidentally left the dye in for too long, leaving Kristina with orange, fried hair! Fortunately, her hairstylist back in Orange County worked some magic and saved the day. Tune in for laughs, lessons learned, and how Kristina’s experience led her to pursue a career in cosmetology — and why she’ll always leave her hair to the pros from now on!

Tune in now on any podcast platform!

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#RHOC #ElizabethLynVargas #HairTransformation #BlondeDisaster #HairFail #CosmetologyJourney #VegasHairStory #HairDyeFail #RealHousewivesOC #CosmetologyLife #HaircareLessons #FunnyHairStories #HairRescue #HairdresserSavesTheDay #HairTransformationJourney #PlatinumPerfection #DIYHairFail


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