Rebuilding Los Angeles: Smart City Conspiracy & Challenges with Austin Keen | LA’s Future

Join Elizabeth Vargas, former Real Housewives of Orange County star, as she sits down with Austin Keen, Jodi Silver, Tiffany Sowersby, and Keith Maximillian for an engaging conversation about the future of Los Angeles. Elizabeth and Austin dive into the controversial topic of rebuilding LA as a “smart city,” discussing the conspiracy theories surrounding the plan. Austin Keen sheds light on the difficulties of reconstructing LA, particularly in areas like the Palisades, and how Governor Gavin Newsom has yet to comment on the matter. This discussion provides valuable insights from a construction expert on the monumental challenges of rebuilding after devastation.

Tune in now on any podcast platform!

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#RHOC #ElizabethVargas #RebuildingLA #SmartCity #LosAngeles #AustinKeen #ConstructionExpert #LAFuture #SmartCityConspiracy #PalisadesRebuild #LAChallenges #GavinNewsom #UrbanDevelopment #CaliforniaRebuild #FireRecovery #RHOC #ElizabethVargas #FutureOfLA #BuildingTheFuture


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