What a year I want to thank my A-team for hanging in there and believing in my project one episode at a Time!
As well as many other beautiful Talent & Production souls that have helped me along the way!
What a year, Girl Talk fam!
We’re wrapping up our first season with a finale that’s juicy, bold, and packed with crap!
In the Final Season 1 Episode 47, Elizabeth Lyn Vargas (formerly of RHOC) joins Jodie Silver and Tiffany Sowersby, along with special guest Jennifer Messina (aka Alexis Bellino’s new BFF).
The ladies spill all the tea on:
• Alexis Bellino’s latest drama with John Jensen that’s shaking up OC or NOT!
• Why Jennifer is BFFs with Alexis despite her shady history
• The reality of Bravo behind the scenes: the toll, the pay, and the real reality of filming
Plus, we reveal a big change for Girl Talk as we transition from a podcast to a television show in 2025! Don’t worry—we’re still here to bring you love, gossip, laughs, and the escape you need.
Thank you for an incredible 2024 season Viewers & Fans ! —we couldn’t have done it without you!
Subscribe now on Youtube @GirlTalkLogic and hit the bell so you don’t miss what’s next!
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