Understanding the Emotional Impact of Porn Addiction on Relationships | Elizabeth Vargas & Experts

Join Elizabeth Vargas, former Real Housewives of Orange County star, as she sits down with Mel Mizabgian, Waz Shaiwayana, and Sharon Yadegaran for a deep dive into the emotional impact of porn addiction on relationships. The group discusses how this issue affects intimacy, trust, and connection, and how it’s often overlooked in the conversation about relationship health. Elizabeth and the ladies also touch on the pressures of dating in places like Orange County and Los Angeles, and how these challenges intersect with modern relationship dynamics.

Tune in now on any podcast platform! https://linktr.ee/girltalklogic

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#RHOC #ElizabethLynVargas#PornAddiction #RelationshipHealth #EmotionalImpact #ElizabethVargas #RealHousewivesOC #DatingInOC #IntimacyIssues #TrustInRelationships #HealthyRelationships #LosAngelesDating


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