Upland City Corruption Scandal: Mayor Arrested for Bribery | Keith Maximillian’s Battle for Justice

Join Elizabeth Vargas, former Real Housewives of Orange County star, as she sits down with Sinister Monopoly, Randy Weiner, and Keith Maximillian for an eye-opening conversation. Keith shares the incredible story of how he faced city corruption while trying to open a new establishment. When the mayor demanded Keith use his own corrupt construction business, Keith did the right thing and reported the mayor, resulting in the mayor’s arrest. Despite the odds, Keith overcame the corruption and successfully built his new business. Tune in for a gripping tale of resilience and justice!

Tune in now on any podcast platform! https://linktr.ee/girltalklogic

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#RHOC #ElizabethLynVargas #CityCorruption #BriberyScandal #MayorArrested #UplandCity #BusinessStruggles #JusticePrevails #CorruptionExposed #Entrepreneurship


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