Why Modern Women Are Choosing Singlehood! πŸ’β€β™€οΈπŸš«πŸ’ | Tea Time with Girl Talk Logic

Are modern women ditching relationships and embracing single life? πŸ€”πŸ’ƒ Join Elizabeth Vargas (Real Housewives of Orange County alum) with @FrancesCarrDunn, @paintsmudgeprincess , @SoCalTiffy & @Jodie.Silver for a real talk Tea Time! β˜• We’re diving into why more women are choosing independence over relationships, the benefits of singlehood, and whether modern dating is even worth it anymore!

✨ Watch now on YouTube @GirlTalkLogic! Grab your tea and join the conversationβ€”are YOU team single or team relationship? Drop your thoughts in the comments!

#GirlTalkLogic #BravoAndy #Peacock #ElizabethLynVargas #RealHousewivesOfOrangeCounty #RHOC #SingleLife #IndependentWomen #ModernDating #Relationships #TeaTime


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